Potentilla Fructicosa Lovely Pink® 'pink beauty' at plandorex.com

Characteristics :

  • Description:

LOVELY PINK ®, vigorous rounded shrub growing to a height and diameter of 0.8 to 1m. It only needs a light pruning at the end of winter. The foliage is dark green.
Its main attributes are not only its abundant flowers from the end of spring to the first frosts but also its beautiful long lasting soft pink monochrome, the colour might fade in bright sunlight, but swiftly regains its colour. The plant is hardy in all regions.

  • Uses:

Avoid a shady position; LOVELY PINK ® can be planted in small areas or in front of other shrubs. It gives a decorative effect throughout the summer.

Potentilla Fructicosa Lovely Pink® 'pink beauty' at plandorex.com

Potentilla Fructicosa Lovely Pink® 'pink beauty' at plandorex.com
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