gardenia Crown jewel® at plandorex.comNative to South Carolina, ‘Crown Jewel’ is a selection of Gardenia with a cold tolerance down to - 10° which can be lower according to planting conditions.


Gardenia Crown Jewel® In June-July, this shrub produces very attractive heavily
scented double blooms.

Crown Jewel® has a heavy bloom set compared with his parents, especially ‘Kleim’s Hardy’, and is often later. Some flowers still bloom at the end of summer. Medium-sized white flowers (up to 6-7 cm in diameter) offer a contrast with the attractive glossy dark green leaves, smaller than other varieties.

It is an evergreen shrub with a dwarf
spreading habit, gardenia crown jewel® at plandorex.comcompact and well-branched. It is a low grower.

Height :               0.60m to 1.00m
Growth:              Slow
Location:            Partial shade

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